Hi, I'm Weis Dietitian Emily Bumgarner with the Weis Healthy Bites tip of the week.
Sometimes coming up with lunch ideas can be overwhelming. Keep it simple with these lunch ideas.
- Leftovers are always simple or even repurposing parts of leftovers like the protein.
- Salads and grain bowls can be very filling. Choose a base of greens or a whole grain,
add a source of protein and your favorite toppings like fruit, veggies, nuts, seeds, etc. - Make homemade chicken, tuna or egg salad with a small amount of mayo or mashed
avocado. Eat on crackers, a wrap or a fresh tomato. - Make lunch into a charcuterie board by picking an item from eat food group and snacking. Remember to include a whole grain, protein, fruit, veggies and dairy, if possible.
Overall, remember lunch time does not have to be stressful. Keep it simple!
For more tips and wellness news you can use, visit WVIA.org and click on Weis HealthyBites™.