Hi, I’m Weis Dietitian Lyndi Mies with the Weis HealthyBites tip of the week.
If you are one of the millions of individuals living with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, it’s important to go into the holiday season with a healthy eating game plan. Arm yourself with these tips:
- Be Consistent - Holiday meals are often outside of regular meal times, so plan accordingly to combat blood sugar highs and lows.
- BYO- Bring your own veggie-based or lower carb dish that fits into your meal plan to share with others.
- Make it Count – Survey the buffet and take a sensible portion of your favorites and fill the rest of your plate with veggies.
- Enjoy the Party – Focus on family, friends and fun rather than the feast.
For more tips and wellness news you can use, visit WVIA.org and click on Weis Healthy Bites™.