Hi, I’m Weis Dietitian Lyndi Mies with the Weis HealthyBites tip of the week.
With the holiday season comes lots of get-togethers, parties and plenty of food. You may find yourself with leftovers that you don’t want to waste, but aren’t sure what can you do with them? Try some of these tips:
- Mix cranberry sauce into plain yogurt and top with walnuts for the perfect afternoon snack.
- Use leftover veggies in another meal like adding to a sauce or reheating with a protein.
- Many baked goods like cookies and cakes can be frozen. Try cutting and wrapping in individual portions prior to freezing.
- Turn your leftover proteins like turkey and ham into a sandwich or use in a homemade soup.
- Take a weeknight and make it clean out the fridge night. Reheat a variety of leftovers to make sure nothing goes to waste.
For more tips and wellness news you can use, visit WVIA.org and click on Weis HealthyBites™.