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Modern Marvels | Colorado River Aqueduct

5m 05s

Providing much of the drinking water for southern California, the aqueduct – another Depression-era public works project and the brainchild of L.A.’s controversial water department superintendent William Mulholland – travels from the river, across the desert and five mountain peaks before descending into Los Angeles.

10 that Changed America is made possible, in part, by The Joseph & Bessie Feinberg Foundation. Major funding is also provided by Joan and Robert Clifford, The Walter E. Heller Foundation, and other generous supporters.
Waterway that linked the Atlantic Ocean with the fertile farmland of America's interior.
Waterway that linked the Atlantic Ocean with the fertile farmland of America's interior.
Chicago's greatest engineering feat was saving itself from it's own sewage.
Chicago's greatest engineering feat was saving itself from it's own sewage.
John Roebling first revealed his bridge building secrets in Cincinnati.
John Roebling first revealed his bridge building secrets in Cincinnati.
The railroad that shrank the time it took to cross the nation from six months to one week.
The railroad that shrank the time it took to cross the nation from six months to one week.
The largest engineering project in human history that accelerated an exodus to suburbia.
The largest engineering project in human history that accelerated an exodus to suburbia.
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