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Season 6 Episode 601 | 26m 46s

There’s bread and the bread of Altamura, a small city in Puglia famous for ‘the best bread on earth.’ Heading to the bakery, Panificio de Gesu, I find out it’s true. Mountain-shaped loaves, made from 90-year-old starter; baked fresh all day long are the best on earth. We make some yummy sandwiches from this bread and a loaf from my hometown to showcase the role of healthy breads in our diet.

Aired: 08/31/24 | Expires: 10/30/24
Distributed nationally by American Public Television
Christina cooks with an instinctive chef who to creates luscious meals for each customer.
Eating like an Italian is holding a deep respect for food and tradition.
Choosing more plant and less animal food intake is our best shot at making a difference.
Can kale save the planet? What is green living and why should we live that way?
How can we adapt our lifestyles to step a little lighter on our planet?
In a home kitchen in Tuscany, Christina creates a luscious meal with her friend Sandro.
Eating locally-grown food has become mainstream, but what does “local food” actually mean?
How can we manage stress when stress is a part of life? Italians have a clue.
Christina meets a chef who adapts Italian dishes to be healthier and kinder to the planet.
Call it tomato sauce or gravy, why is this dish so important to the Italian culture?
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What if I told you a classic pasta dish from Bari is designed to take care of your liver?
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So much debate about oil. We need only look at ancient history for the answer.
Christina cooks with an instinctive chef who to creates luscious meals for each customer.
Eating like an Italian is holding a deep respect for food and tradition.
Christina meets a chef who adapts Italian dishes to be healthier and kinder to the planet.
Call it tomato sauce or gravy, why is this dish so important to the Italian culture?
What is Italy doing for sustainability?
Christina travels to an ancient town in Tuscany that has produced chestnuts for centuries.
Christina meets a former New York police officer who has landed in a small town in Italy