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Join Joe Hanson as he explores curiosity and illuminates the science behind… well, everything.

Why do some people taste music or hear colors? Let’s talk about synesthesia.
How a chemical in lizard spit inspired one of the most important medical advancements.
These diamond makers create one of the most amazing materials on Earth — from dead people.
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Why do some people taste music or hear colors? Let’s talk about synesthesia.
How a chemical in lizard spit inspired one of the most important medical advancements.
These diamond makers create one of the most amazing materials on Earth — from dead people.
Learn nature’s ultimate game of hide-and-seek, and the way to win this game is all in the brain.
Nature has had to come up with some crazy ways to survive winter. None are weirder than hibernation.
Political scientist Don Green joins Joe to figure out the complex psychological and social factors t
Why do certain sounds make some of us so upset?!
Despite what you may have heard or learned in school, the sun is NOT the center of the solar system.
People see faces everywhere thanks to a quirk of the brain called visual pareidolia.
Why do the same, self-repeating patterns appear in trees, rivers, lightning, and even our bodies?
Here's why you aren't built like a lobster.
Our animal brains deal with quantities in very specific, and fascinating, ways.
Have you heard about Charles Darwin's lesser-know theory of evolution: sexual selection?
Can new technologies make death prediction even more accurate?
AI may help us talk to whales soon. But should we?!
The cosmic distance ladder is the world’s longest ruler, built to measure the universe.
Learn about the space junk problem and the giant space claw named ClearSpace-1 that might
On April 8, North America is getting a total solar eclipse. Here’s what you need to know.
These tiny pieces of an ancient asteroid could hold the secret to the origin of life.
What do scientists think are the best ways of reaching out to aliens?
How bad is climate change in 2023? Can we do anything about it?
A cosmic soup hadn’t existed in 13.8 billion years. Now, scientists cook it up in a lab.
After a century of industrial pollution and superstorms, New York's waterways needs help!
Crashing a car is usually a terrible accident. But sometimes, it’s a way to save lives.
A huge part of our identities, emotions, and our lives get tied up...Why is that?
X is everywhere and it’s probably thanks to math. But why is x the symbol for the unknown?
What’s the most average thing in the universe? We’re on a mission to find it.
New ideas come from chance events and unexpected connections involved in working together.
Our universe locked incredible secrets in a code written in rainbows.
Butterfly metamorphosis is one of nature’s most magical transformations.
Scorpions are an evolutionary marvel with venom that could save lives.
Join me on my visit to the most advanced cultivated meat production facility in the world.
Life on Earth may have stayed boring and small if it weren’t thanks to one deadly element.
How the CIA used Cold War technology to study and combat climate change
The secret physics at the core of every syllable, starting with the first words we speak.
The glow from faster-than-light particles gives us a unique way to explore the universe.
A mysterious and highly impactful phenomenon that scientists are still learning about.
Countershading is everywhere, and it may be nature’s most successful form of camouflage.
Global warming means more air conditioning…causing more warming 🤦. Could new chemistry he
How does iridescence work? From rainbow bubbles to beautiful birds, bugs, and gemstones.
Africa is the only continent where these megafaunas still exist. But, why?
We meet some interesting bugs that use truly extreme senses to navigate their world.
We look at some surprising ways that species use teamwork in order to survive.
We look at ecosystems at their largest and smallest scales of time and size.
Seemingly distant ecosystems, even half a world apart, are connected in surprising ways.
Can an ecosystem survive without its keystone species?