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Season 1 Episode 105 | 26m 15s

One out of every seven Virginians pays over 50% of their income in housing costs. In 2021, a group of Virginia’s Habitat for Humanity affiliates formed the Virginia Statewide Community Land Trust, to address what chairman Darryl Neher calls a housing market failure. Learn how a community land trust operates and how it can help those struggling to find affordable housing in rural Virginia.

Aired: 08/31/23 | Expires: 08/31/26
Distributed nationally by American Public Television
Many of Virginia’s veterans report difficulty adjusting to civilian life after serving.
Discover how community newspapers survive while serving as a trusted local news source.
Explore the balance of cultivating healthy forests and using trees for timber.
Virginia has seen a spike in opioid-related deaths in the past several years.
While farmers rely on migrant labor, life is often difficult for these same workers.
Learn about important programs designed to help the elderly live more fulfilling lives.
Music video featuring Robin and Linda Williams performing the theme song of Life in the Heart Land.
Life in the Heart Land takes a deep dive into rural problems and potential solutions.
Life in the Heart Land takes a deep dive into rural problems and potential solutions.
Learn about the challenges facing family farms and how young farmers are finding success.
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Explore the balance of cultivating healthy forests and using trees for timber.
Discover how community newspapers survive while serving as a trusted local news source.
Many of Virginia’s veterans report difficulty adjusting to civilian life after serving.
Virginia has seen a spike in opioid-related deaths in the past several years.
Learn about important programs designed to help the elderly live more fulfilling lives.
While farmers rely on migrant labor, life is often difficult for these same workers.
Learn how rural communities deal with issues regarding their plastic waste.
Examine the different perspectives on how best to address the issue of jail overcrowding.
Explore issues and solutions of food access and equity in rural communities of Virginia.
Learn about the challenges facing family farms and how young farmers are finding success.