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Color of the Year/Toothy McManners (ASL)

Season 5 Episode 6 | 25m 05s

Pantonio the Color Fairy is preparing to unveil his new Color of The Year! But when he can't come up with a new color, Pinkalicious and Peter try to provide him with some inspiration. / When Pinkalicious and Peter accidentally invite the pirate Toothy McSquint and Pinkalicious' teacher Ms. Penny to dinner on the same night, they realize they'll have to teach Toothy some table manners.

Aired: 04/16/24
Pinkalicious and Jasmine practice singing but cannot stop laughing.
Pinkalicious and Jasmine perform their silly song!
Pinkalicious and Jasmine decide to enter a songwriting competition.
Pinkalicious and her friends search for her lost button, guided by a helpful fairy.
Fairyanna makes Pinkalicious's missing button into a pretty hat!
Pinkalicious, Rafael and Jasmine show Kendra the fun of doodling.
When all else fails, Pinkalicious and Peter have to scare Pinkftoot's hiccups away!
Ms. Penny creates a doodle wall for the whole class to express themselves!
Pinkalicious and her friends give Kendra advice on how--and when!--to doodle.
Pinkalicious is inspired to paint rocks for her friends in the neighborhood.
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  • Pinkalicious & Peterrific Season 2
  • Pinkalicious & Peterrific Season 1
Abby teaches Pinkalicious how to dance in a different way!/Peter loses his favorite hat.
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Skye Voyager gets held up in a balloon race./Pinkalicious and Peter get stuck together with glue!
Pinkalicious looks for her missing button./Peter plays Pink Pong!
Pinkalicious and Jasmine can't stop giggling./Pinkalicious paints rocks!
Pinkalicious and Peter try to cure Pinkfoot's hiccups./Kendra learns how to doodle.
Pinkalicious hosts a Princess of Pink slumber party. / Pinkalicious dog sits.
Pinkalicious makes a new friend. / Pinkalicious and Peter pretend to be spies.
Can Pinka and Jasmine's friendship be re-woven?/Mommy’s latest invention goes haywire!
Peter wants to become a great magician. / Pinkalicious and Peter are too excited to sleep.