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Woofster and the Pet Pack

Season 3 Episode 23 | 25m 10s

Whyatt can't wait to show his friends the new comic book he's written about Woofster and his friends - the Pet Pack - and their search for the missing Princess of Pet City. How, the Super Readers wonder, will the Pet Pack ever find their Princess? To find the answer, they'll jump into Whyatt's comic book and meet Keen Kitten and Hopkins.

Aired: 03/14/16 | Expires: 11/01/24
Sing along with the Super Readers in this song, "The Alphabet Parade"!
Super Why changes the story so Woofster can rescue the puppy from the volcano.
Alpha Pig uses his Alphabet Map to find the puppy in trouble.
There's a puppy in trouble - stuck in a big apple tree! Woofster defines "enormous".
Alpha Pig uses alphabet power to make the letters in the word P-U-M-P-K-I-N reappear.
Pig goes trick-or-treating with the Super Readers.
Little Goat is stuck way up high, so Alpha Pig uses his Alphabet Power to help him down.
Super Why uses his Reading Power to change the story so the three billy goats are polite.
When Red uses her manners and wipes her feet, Gramma allows her to cross the kitchen.
Super Why changes the story so Princess and Frog can play together.
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Whyatt and his puppy Woofster have a playdate with Wolfy, but they can't find him.
Princess Pea has found a cocoon in her yard!
Princess Pea wants to try out the bouncy castle,but she's scared to climb up so high.
Pig is just too tired to keep playing!
Red wants to bring all of her toys to the park, but she can't hold them all.
Pig and Princess can't find any rainbows.
Whyatt and Pig want to play camp out, but they can't agree on where to put their tent.
The Super Readers jump into the musical book The Princess Who Loved Mud.
Woofster jumps into the story of Super Puppy to meet his hero.
The Super Readers try to figure out what game Woofster wants to play.