A Lehighton doctor will pay a $60,000 penalty to resolve a lawsuit that accused him of violating federal law.
U.S. Attorney Gerard M. Karam's office accused Dr. Peter J. Baddick III last year of prescribing the opioid medication called Subsys to patients who did not have cancer, according to a news release from Karam's office.
Under an agreement settling the case, Baddick does not admit to being liable for doing anything wrong, but the government does not concede its claims weren't legitimate.
The prescriptions were made without a legitimate medical purpose, but Baddick billed Medicaid and Tricare for visits associated with the prescriptions, the U.S. attorney's office said.
"This office is dedicated to combatting fraud and abuse impacting taxpayer-funded programs," Karam said in the news release. "We use every tool at our disposal to do so, and this resolution reflects that commitment."