Scranton High School students stand on the stage where President Donald Trump recited the oath in the Capitol Rotunda this week. The students met with new U.S. Rep. Rob Bresnahan, right.
The group returned to Scranton late Tuesday night, after a busy day on Capitol Hill.
This was the fifth trip to an inauguration organized by teachers Sean Curry and Jerry Skotleski. Students committed to the trip a year ago, before knowing the parties' nominees.
On Tuesday, the students stood on the Rotunda stage where Donald Trump became the nation's 47th president the day before. The students met with Sen. John Fetterman, along with new legislators Sen. Dave McCormick and Rep. Rob Bresnahan.
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Scranton High School students meet with Sen. John Fetterman, left, at his office in Washington, D.C.
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Scranton High School students met new U.S. Sen. Dave McCormick while in Washington, D.C.
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Students from Scranton High School also met Adam Schiff, a senator from California.
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Scranton High School students stand outside the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday.
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U.S. Rep. Rob Bresnahan speaks to Scranton High students inside the U.S. Capitol building.
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U.S. Sen. Dave McCormick greets Scranton High School students.
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Scranton High School teachers Sean Curry, left, and Jerry Skotleski, right, pose for a photo with U.S. Sen. John Fetterman.
Sarah Hofius Hall worked at The Times-Tribune in Scranton since 2006. For nearly all of that time, Hall covered education, visiting the region's classrooms and reporting on issues important to students, teachers, families and taxpayers.