Scranton Mayor Paige Cognetti will continue to honor President Joe Biden’s Scranton roots, despite calls on her to rename Biden Street.
“We'll continue to appreciate President Biden's legacy of public service,” she said. “While the commutation is unfortunate and certainly a mistake, that does not erase President Biden's contribution to his country or to this area.”
After Biden’s decision to commute “Kids for Cash” judge Michael Conahan’s sentence, Lackawanna County Commissioner Chris Chermak called on Cognetti to change Biden Street back to its original name, Spruce Street. Though never a supporter of the 2021 renaming of Spruce Street to Biden Street, the commutation has reinvigorated his desire to strip the street of the Scranton - born president’s name.
While she disagrees with Biden’s decision, she doesn’t think it negates the good he’s done. She thinks the calls for Biden Street to be renamed are for unrelated, political reasons.
“I believe some of this is being used for political purposes, and that's unfortunate,” she said.
Cognetti emphasized her disapproval of Biden’s decision to commute Conahan’s sentence.

“I was surprised and extraordinarily disappointed when that news flashed across my phone screen,” she said. “The scandal is horrendous, and something that I'm not even sure a Hollywood screenwriter could put together. It has scarred so many families, so many children and an entire region.”
However, she noted that the renaming efforts started before Biden’s recent unpopular commutation.
“I think those are two separate issues, and those calls on the street are not new,” Cognetti said. “This is an effort of the last three and a half years where folks have been saying that it should change. I think this news of the commutation has given fresh rise to the same folks who have been calling on that for quite some time.”
She confirmed that there are no plans to rename the street. She’s proud to continue celebrating a Scrantonian making it to The White House.
“We are one of few communities that can boast being the home of a president of the United States,” Cognetti said. “Here in Scranton we’ll continue to respect and honor his legacy as a son of Scranton.”
WVIA News reporter Kat Bolus contributed to this report.