An attorney for Luzerne County Manager Romilda Crocamo has asked to postpone a Monday hearing on a lawsuit challenging her decision not to use ballot drop boxes.
Lawyer Mark Cedrone said the county Board of Elections may resolve the issue outside of court with two resolutions added for the board's Wednesday's meeting.
"One of those resolutions is a resolution not to deploy drop boxes at all," Cedrone said Friday morning. "The other one ... they are to deploy drop boxes, then I think the Election Board is recommending certain security protocols."
Hearing on ACLU suit
Monday morning's hearing would address a suit filed this week by the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, on behalf of Luzerne County voters and In This Together NEPA, a non-profit voting rights group.
They argue Crocamo did not have the authority to pull the drop boxes without a decision from the county's board of elections.
In September, Crocamo took unilateral action to sideline the boxes though the county board of elections had previously approved their use — most recently by a 3-2 vote on Feb. 21.
The hearing is intended to determine the legal merits of the ACLU/In This Together suit. Spokespersons for the two groups declined comment Friday pending the outcome of the hearing.
Cedrone: Crocamo will cooperate
The agenda for the next meeting of the Board of Elections was not available on Friday, but Cedrone said Crocamo will cooperate with their decision.
He said Crocamo is not "philosophically opposed" to drop boxes, but remains concerned over the security of the county employees who work with them.
"She is very much opposed to creating safety risk," he said.
On Thursday, Pennsylvania Attorney General Michelle Henry wrote a letter to Crocamo saying only the Luzerne County Board of Elections has authority over drop boxes, and that Crocamo could face legal consequences if she fails to abide by the board's wishes.