It's Groundhog Day this weekend, and one local celebration will give the public an opportunity to learn about the Pennsylvania Dutch tradition. Also happening in the region is the Ice Fest in Wayne County, as well as a lunch and learn event with artists in Pike County.
Groundhog Day at Sweet Arrow Lake County Park
Grover the taxidermied groundhog has been making weather predictions for 19 years at Sweet Arrow Lake County Park in Pine Grove, Schuylkill County.

German immigrants, also known as the Pennsylvania Dutch, were the first to believe that rodents could predict the weather.
Denise Donmoyer, president of the Sweet Arrow Lake Conservation Association, says Pine Grove is a Pennsylvania Dutch community.
“It was settled by the Pennsylvania Dutch in the 1700s and they brought that tradition with them,” she said.
While tens of thousands of people will gather in Western Pennsylvania to catch Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction, this event will highlight the history of this region and the heritage that created the quirky tradition.
Grover will make his prediction in the morning the same way Phil does, depending on whether he sees his shadow. The event, which starts at 1 p.m., will highlight Pennsylvania Dutch culture.
There will be Pennsylvania Dutch treats, including Shoofly Pie and an education specialist to inform the public about the groundhog species.
Die Schwadore Shalle choir will be there to sing in Pennsylvania Dutch, a language not many people speak anymore.
Donmoyer says Grover is not in competition with the world-renowned groundhog roughly 200 miles away.
“It's our assertion and Grover's assertion that his prediction is more accurate for the Schuylkill County area,” she said. “You don't look at the weather from out in Punxsutawney to see what your day is going to look like because they're too far away from us. So Grover gives a prediction that's accurate for this area. He is our local Doppler groundhog.”
Groundhog Day at Sweet Arrow Lake
Sunday, Feb. 2
1 p.m.
108 Clubhouse Rd., Pine Grove
Lunch and Learn in Milford
Grey Towers Heritage Association is hosting a series of lunch and learn events on Saturdays this winter in Milford, Pike County.

This week, artists Andy Gertler and Sue Beatrice will present Journeys Through the World of Unconventional Art.
They are both sculptors who sometimes use unusual materials.
Tickets are $17 for members, $22 for non-members, and $12 for students.
The series will host a lunch focusing on local non-profits on Feb. 22, and a presentation about Historic Women of Milford will be given March 1.

Lunch & Learn: Journeys Through the World of Unconventional Art
Sat., Feb. 1
11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Forest Hall
214 Broad St., Milford
Wally Ice Fest
Ice hockey, winter activities, entertainment and more are on deck for Wally Ice Fest in Newfoundland, Monroe County Saturday and Sunday.

There will be 42 hockey teams from Pennsylvania and other states that will compete in the Pocono Pond Hockey Tournament.
Onlookers can play ice golf, axe-throwing and keg curling between hockey matches. There also will be cornhole tournaments, ice skating and a massive bonfire.
Find the full schedule of entertainment and activities here.
Wally Ice Fest
Sat., Feb. 1 and Sun., Feb. 2
11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
875 Main St., Newfoundland